تقدم IW Tremont مجموعة متنوعة من المنتجات المتخصصة لمساعدتك على تلبية متطلبات الاختبار والتطبيق المحددة لديك.
يتم تصنيع جميع منتجاتنا وفقًا لأعلى المعايير في الصناعة ويتم دعمها بخبراتنا الفنية وخدمة العملاء المتميزة.
تتوفر هذه المواد أيضًا في أشكال منتجات مخصصة وإصدارات OEM. ويمكن إدراج هذه المواد وغيرها في الأجهزة المهيكلة مثل مرشحات الحقنة والأغطية المضمنة بسرعة وبحد أدنى منخفض بشكل مدهش.
مواصفات مواد ورق الوزن
- ورق سليولوزي شبه شفاف، أبيض حليبي،
- عالية اللمعان، غير ماصة، خالية من النيتروجين.
- الهدف 30 رطلاً (لكل 3000 قدم مربع) 48.8 جم/م2
- المدى 29.0 رطل – 31.0 رطل
- طريقة TAPPI T410
- سمك الهدف: 0.0015 بوصة (0.05 مم) 1.5 مل
ملحوظة: بالنسبة لجميع الطلبات الدولية، سيكون المشتري مسؤولاً بمفرده عن التخليص الجمركي والرسوم والضرائب المفروضة على العبوة.
Our OEM Capabilities
We offer OEM capabilities for engineering, molding and insertion of many additional membrane and membrane/pre-filter options. We can work with most of our own membrane and specialty materials as well as convert your supplied product. Please contact us for full engineering capabilities as well as process flow and project management services in this field.
- Filter insertion in clean room by manual as well as fully automated means
- Molding in place, over molding and support structure molding of fragile media
- Ultrasonic welding of barrel structure for increased leak / burst resistance
- Multi-process mold extensions for inclusion of single or multi-level prefiltration media
- Digital variable print capabilities along arc on barrel face for identification purposes
- Blister packing for EO and gamma sterilization
- Pure virgin PP, verified by HPLC against U/L extractables
Tremont offers an impressive list of manufacturing capabilities and expertise in glass microfiber and cellulose filter media. We leverage a longstanding and contractual relationship between several mills to put 6 papermaking machines and formers into production. With this enormous capacity at our disposal, we are able to take a project from lab bench through pilot scale and ultimately full production with ease.
Our partner mill output exceeds 120 grade variants manufactured in the USA and internationally. With chemists and scientists of several disciplines, experienced papermakers, the finest controls-on-machine plus a rigorous QA protocol, it is not often a project challenge is beyond our capability.
Paper Making Capabilities:
- Paper making machines in flat bed, slant bed, high speed fourdrinier and rotary forming styles
- Furnish capabilities of: glass blends, cotton cellulose, soft wood, cotton/wood pulp, synthetics
- Various levels of water filtration, including R.O. for superior purity in analytical and diagnostic applications
- Web widths from 24 inch (60.9cm) to 72 inch (182.8cm)
- Basis weights from 8lb to 138lb @ 3000ft2 (13g/m2 to 225g/m2)
- Binder free, Binder burn off, Acrylic, PVA and hybrid chemistries
- Gantry mounted traversing densitometry as well as most other high-resolution verification sensors
- Static pressure, mixed and multi-stage head boxes
- Binderless, mixed box, spray on and pulper-saturation style binder introduction
- Single and multi-stage vacuum boxes
- Several screen variants for very high consistency formation
- Wet stream or dry deckle trim
- Unique end of machine board cut-off capability for very high density, high basis weight celluloses
- FDA grade manufacturing capabilities
- Lot selection, furnish verification and supply chain assurance
- Cotton batch traceability "to farm" with unique commodity procurement services
Converting Capabilities
After the papermaking process is complete, our experienced converting staff brings your project from large master rolls down to narrow reels or sheets with ease. Sheeting, die cutting and other unique converting operations are performed at our Hawthorne, NJ facility under our strict ISO production environments.