BUCK Scientific Scan-n-Search Infrared Software with Warranty

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Dhs. 10,635.00
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Dhs. 10,635.00
  • Condition :

    Brand new in its original packaging

  • SKU : Infrared Software
  • Brand :
    Buck Scientific

    Ramo Trading & Consulting Inc is an authorized distributor

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Scan-n-Search Overview:

  • A complete program for handling Infrared data
  • A free viewer for infrared data
  • A free search program for FDM IR Reference Spectra Databases
  • Very easy to use, makes complex data manipulations simple
  • Powerful Batch-Processing automates repetitive tasks
  • Scaleable from the teaching lab to the on-line process environment
  • Extensible using the powerful open-source Python programming language
  • Reads and writes data in industry-standard file formats
  • Collects data directly from the M530 IR spectrophotometer

Software Capabilities:

Step 1: In the M500/M530 start up screen, it checks your computer and network for all available drives so you can open and share to them.

Step 2: In the Scan-n-Search is the polished instrument user interface that makes data collection a breeze. The single beam background scan is displayed and stored as the background for the sample runs to come.

Step 3: In the Instrument Control Section, once the background Scan has been done, change to Sample mode and collect a real time %T scan of your sample. If you like the finished scan you can choose to save it, print it or do other advance manipulations on it.

Step 4: Manual Peak Labeling at a click.

Step 5: Advanced Functions Savitsky-Golay Smoothing for reduce system noise.

Step 6: Advanced Functions - Library Search - Your Spectrum can be searched / compared against premade and libraries you construct.

IR Reference Spectra Databases

An infrared spectrum of a molecule is like a fingerprint. By comparing the spectrum of an unknown compound to a library of data, the spectroscopist can identify the unknown. This technique has wide applications in many fields such as forensics, environmental chemistry, research, industrial quality control, and teaching.

Scan-n-Search Infrared Software includes a complete spectral library search tool with user-defined region searching, many search algorithms, and customizable reports.

Commercially available Reference Spectra Databases (Libraries)

Hundreds of Thousands of reference spectra are available from:

When ordering STJapan or NICODOM databases, specify the format to be "Galactic - Grams/32 & SpectralID".

Scan-n-Search Infrared Software can search any database from any source that is in "Galactic - Grams/32 & SpectralID" format.

Scan-n-Search Infrared Software can search WinFIRST libraries and Sadtler User Libraries, and can search against folders of individual files.

Spectral Manipulations

  • Zap Spectral Regions
  • Zap spectral regions, with zeros or interpolated lines, with the capability of adding noise back into the zapped regions
  • Manual Baseline Correction
  • Automatic Baseline Correction
  • Manual Spectral Subtraction
  • X-Axis Shift and Stretch
  • Take derivatives of spectral data
  • FFT, ratio, absorbance, transmittance conversions
  • FFT: Fast Fourier Transform of interferograms, with control over zero-filling, apodization and phase correction
  • Convert data between Absorbance, Transmittance, and Diffuse Reflectance formats
  • 5 to 99 point smoothing, with Savitsky-Golay, moving average, Hannig and Hamming window methods
  • Interpolate / Decimate to change the resolution of the spectral data
  • Manual Interactive Spectral Subtraction
  • Automatic Spectral Subtraction optimized over a user-selected region
  • Offset data by constant
  • Scale data by constant
  • Truncate to change the spectral data limits
  • Kramers-Kroning transform using the Maclaurin method
  • Raman Shift correction: with user supplied excitation frequency
  • ATR Correction: Attenuated Total Reflectance correction with user control over angle of incidence and refractive indices
  • Normalizations: Normalize the data to a minimum, a range, or using Vector Normalization
  • Match spectra: set a group of spectra to have the same starting and ending values and number of data points

Synthesize Data

  • Average / Add / Add with weights lists of individual datafiles to create new data
  • Interactively add peaks to data by stretching data points
  • Edit data: edit datapoints directly in a spreadsheet and instantly preview the result
  • Create synthetic spectra from user-supplied peak tables with optional noise, baseline offset and baseline slope
  • Generate Blackbody spectra with Radiance or Photon distribution for a given temperature
  • Change header fields for corrupted or incorrectly converted files

Data Analysis

  • Compute integrated areas of spectral regions
  • Peak Picking automatically tabulates the peaks in a spectrum
  • Manual Peak Picking and Labeling by right-clicking on a peak
  • Peak Measurement: computes peak height using user-supplied peak endpoints
  • Signal-to-Noise: computes signal-to-noise ratio over user-defined limits
  • User Library Search: search unknown spectra against libraries of data.
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